Monday, August 3, 2009

Divine Love

If we disregard ourselves for the sake of Jesus, then we are truly blessed. If we abandon all other facets of love, and love Jesus above everything, then we are truly blessed. The love of other people is fickle and changeable, but the love of Jesus is consistent and enduring. those who love material objects, will decay and crumble as those objects decay and crumble. But those who embrace Jesus will be upheld forever.

When all else fades away, Jesus will still be present. Jesus never leaves us; he never lets us perish. Inevitably at some point in the future we shall each die, and shall have to leave behind all our possessions and all our earthly friends behind. But Jesus is with us in death, as in life. So keep close to Jesus, not only when you are healthy, but also when death approaches. Place all your trust in him, because he can always help you.

Jesus is a lover who tolerates no rivals. He wants to have your heart entirely to himself, and to rule there like a king. Thus, you must strip your heart of all attachments, so Jesus can possess your heart completely.

Thomas à Kempis